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Silver Membership

A monthly membership is often the most economical option when you have dogs who need on-going training support. This monthly membership plan only requires a 2 month commitment then it can be cancelled at any time when you meet your training goals. Schedule your training sessions at any time during the month. Training sessions can be rescheduled as long as we have at least 24 hours notice. Training sessions that are not used up during the month will not rollover so be sure to schedule all your sessions to take best advantage of this plan.

This plan is beneficial for several types of issues.

  • When you have a complicated re-integration of dogs who have been fighting in a home.
  • You have a young puppy and want to ensure you give her the best foundation for good manners or dog sports.
  • You are training for a specific competitive title, such as the Canine Good Citizen.
  • You have multiple dogs with different training needs.

Plan details

  • 2 visits per Month
  • Any location
  • 2 full and partial payments are required
  • $50 early cancellation fee